Compassionate, science-based behavioral solutions make training FUN for both canine and caregiver! Learning how to communicate effectively with your dog will revolutionize your relationship. 

Strengthen your bond

Rewards-based training builds trust and connection

Training shouldn’t be rooted in fear, intimidation, and conflict. Maximize your dog’s potential by developing a communication style that’s clear, effective, and fulfilling for both canine and caregiver.

Ready to Get Started?

Raising industry standards

Who do you trust with your dog?

Did you know that dog training is a completely unregulated industry? While countless trades from cosmetology to hairstyling require certifications, anyone can legally call themselves a dog trainer in the United States. Countless dogs are abused and behaviorally damaged by unqualified trainers who take shortcuts and use force, fear, and intimidation. That’s why I am committed to aligning with the standards of the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants, am a Fear Free Certified Pet Professional, and am dedicated to pursuing further education and credientials. I aim to have my CPDT-KA certification by late 2024.

Watch your dog succeed

Ready, set, train!

Explore a variety of behavior, enrichment, and training services. Whether your dog needs complex behavioral modification or a confidence-building adventure, all services revolve around your dog’s behavioral needs. Set your dog up for success by finding a plan that works for you. 

Stevie sits
All things dog!

Ruff Ramblings